[GenAI] L3-P1-1. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(1)


Aligning models with human values

Why need this?


  • Fine-Tuning with Instruction
    • Better understand human-like prompts
      • generate more human-like responses
    • Improve model performance subtantially
    • More natural-sounding language


  • But…!
    • Sometimes model behave badly…



  • HHH
    • Helpful / Honest / Harmless



  • Better align model with human preferences
    • To increase the helpfulness, honesty, and harmlessness (HHH) of the completions
    • To reduce toxicity of responses
    • To reduce generation of incorrect information

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)


OpenAI research



Potential Application of RLHF

  • Personalization of LLMs
    • models learn preferences of each user
      • through a continous feedback process
    • in future…
      • Indivisualized learning plans
      • Personalized AI assistants

Reinforcement Learning (RL)


  • ML의 일종

  • Agent learns to make decisions

    • related to a specific goal
      • by taking actions in an environment
        • with the objective : maximizing some notion of a cumulative reward


  • Process
    • agent takes actions
    • collect rewards based on the action’s effectiveness
      • in progressing towards a win
    • this learning process is iterative
      • involves trial and error
  • The goal
    • for the agent to learn the optimal policy for a given environment that maximizes their rewards

RL : Tic-Tac-Toe


  • The series of actions and corresponding states form a playout / (=rollout)

RL in LLMs


  • Model
    • agent’s policy (guided the actions) = LLM
  • Objective
    • generate text aligned with the human preferences
  • Environment
    • context window of the model
      • (prompt로 입력된 text가 있는 곳)
  • State (the model considers before taking an action in the current context)
    • Any text currently contained in the context window
  • Action
    • generating text
      • single word / sentence / longer form. etc.
  • Action space
    • token vocabulary
      • (all the possible tokens that the model can choose from to generate the completion)
  • Reward
    • how closely the completions align with human preferences

Reward Model


  • Straightforward way…
    • human evaluate all of the completions of the model against some alignment metric
      • ex) generating text is Toxic / Non-toxic
    • feedback can be represented as a scalar value, zero / one
    • LLM weights are updated iteratively to maximize the reward obtained from the human classifier


  • For practical and scalable alternatives
  • Reward Model
    • To classify the outputs of the LLM
      • and evaluate the degreee of alignment with human preferenes
  • How to?
    • start with a smaller number of human examples to train the secondary model = Reward Model
      • by traditional supervised learning methods
    • Once trained, use the reward model to assess the output of the LLM
      • and assign a reward value
        • in turn, gets used to update the weights of LLMs
  • Rollout
    • (in the conetxt of language modeling)
    • the sequence of actions and states = Rollout (!= Playout)

RLHF : Obtaining feedback from humans



1. Select the model

  • The model should have some capability to carry out the task
    • e.g. text summarization / question-answering / etc.
  • In general, to start with an Instruct Model
    • already been fine-tuned across many tasks and has some general capabilites

2. Use the model to prepare a dataset for human feedback

  • Use LLM along with a prompt dataset to generate a number of different responses for each prompt
    • The prompt dataset is comprised of multiple prompts
      • each of which gets processed by the LLM to produce a set of completions


3. Collect feedbacks from human labelers

  • (human feedback portion of RLHF)
  1. Decide what criterion you want the humans to assess the completions on

    • any of the issues possible
      • e.g. Helpfulness / Toxicity
  2. Ask the labelers to assess each completion in the dataset based on the criterion

    • (example above)

      • the labeler ranks the completions

      • This process then gets repeated for many prompt completion sets,
        • building up a data set that can be used to train the reward model that will ultimately carry out this work instead of the humans.
      • The same prompt completion sets are usually assigned to multiple human labelers to establish consensus and minimize the impact of poor labelers in the group.
    • Key point

      • The clarity of your instructions can make a big difference on the quality of the human feedback you obtain.

      • Labelers are often drawn from samples of the population that represent diverse and global thinking.

        • e.g. third labeler in above example, whose responses disagree with the others and may indicate that they misunderstood the instructions


  • Good Sample

    1. Overall task

    2. Detailed instruction
    3. Clear edge case instruction
    4. All options to take - poor quality answers can be easily removed

4. Prepare labeled data for training


  • How to?

    • Depending on the number N of alternative completions per prompt : N_Combination_2

    • For each pair, assign a reward of 1 for the preferred response and a reward of 0 for the less preferred response

    • Reorder the prompts so that the prefereed option comes first

      • The reward model expects the preferred completion, which is referred ts as Y_j first
  • Another way

    • Thumbs-Up, Thumbs-Down Feedback is often easier to gather than ranking feedback
    • BUT!
      • Ranked Feedback gives you more prom completion data to train your reward model
      • As you can see, here you get three prompt completion pairs from each human ranking

RLHF : Reward Model


  • By the time you’re done training the reward model,
    • You won’t need to include any more humans in the loop
  • Reward model will take place off the human labeler
    • and automatically choose the preferred completion during the RLHF process
  • Reward model = LM의 일종
    • e.g. BERT (supervised learning으로 학습된 LM)


  • Trained on human rank prompt-completion pairs
    • Use the Reward Model as a `Binary Classifier`
  • The largest value of the positive class
    • what you use as the reward value in RLHF
  • Higher value represents a more aligned response
    • Less aligned response receive a lower value


  • Logits : unnormalized model outputs before applying any activation function
    • Softmax function to the logits -> Probabilities

Use the reward model to fine-tune LLM with RL


  • REMEMBER : Start with a model that already has good performance on your task
    • we’ll work to ALIGN an instructions fine-tune on LLM


  • Pass reward value for the prompt-completion pair to RL algorithm
    • to update the weights of the LLM
      • move to more aligned, higher reward responses
  • RL-updated LLM
    • 위 전체 과정이 single iteration of RLHF process를 구성함





  • 학습 과정이 잘 진행될수록, reward가 향상됨
    • (예시, 0.24 -> 0.51 -> 0.68 -> …)
    • 즉, human preference에 더 부합하는 답변 생성
  • 학습 종료 조건
    • 특정 metric에 부합할 때까지 학습
      • threshold value for the helpfulness you defined
    • 특정 iteration step까지
      • 20,000번 최대
  • 그렇게… Human-aligned LLM을 얻을 수 있다


  • RL algorithm은 다양함
    • 대표적인것, PPO