[GenAI] L1-P2-4. Recap, Study resources

Week 1 resources

Below you’ll find links to the research papers discussed in this weeks videos. You don’t need to understand all the technical details discussed in these papers - you have already seen the most important points you’ll need to answer the quizzes in the lecture videos.

However, if you’d like to take a closer look at the original research, you can read the papers and articles via the links below.

Transformer Architecture

  • Attention is All You Need - This paper introduced the Transformer architecture, with the core “self-attention” mechanism. This article was the foundation for LLMs.
  • BLOOM: BigScience 176B Model - BLOOM is a open-source LLM with 176B parameters (similar to GPT-4) trained in an open and transparent way. In this paper, the authors present a detailed discussion of the dataset and process used to train the model. You can also see a high-level overview of the model here.
  • Vector Space Models - Series of lessons from DeepLearning.AI’s Natural Language Processing specialization discussing the basics of vector space models and their use in language modeling.

Pre-training and scaling laws

Model architectures and pre-training objectives

Scaling laws and compute-optimal models

(위 본문 내용 및 ppt 사진 자료 등 일체의 내용은 모두 DeepLearning.AI 의 강의자료에서 가져왔으며, 상업적 목적으로 이용할 수 없습니다.)