[HCI] L1-3. Exploring HCI

1. Technology

Virtual Reality

  • tourist
  • commerce
  • art
  • education
  • medical
    • VR Therapy and Counseling Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan
      • treat phobia

Augmented Reality

UbiComp and Wearble

  • Ubiquitous Computing : computing power anytime, anywhere ~= IoT (Internet of Thing)


  • Human Robot Interaction : new field!


  • Mobile : portable computing devices built to be used easily on the go

2. Idea

Context-Sensitive Computing

  • Equipping user interfaces with historical, geographical, or other forms of contextual knowledge.

  • context는 인간 사이의 상호작용에서 가장 중요한 부분
    • Q. 몇시에요? / A. 이제 점심먹으러 가도 돼요
  • ex) 차안에서 google map 자동으로 켜주기 / 소파에서 쉴 때 노래를 틀어주기

Gesture-Based Interaction

  • Interacting with interfaces using hand or body gestures
  • ex) invisible keyboard - recoginze movement of the muscle in wrist

Pen- and Touch-Base Interaction

Information Visualization

CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work)

  • using computers to support people working together


Social Computing

  • re-creating social norms within computational systems


3. Domain

Special Needs

  • ex) Bruce Walker, Sonification Lab in Georgia Tech
    • How to communicate data to a blind person?
      • Data visualization -> “communicating data using sound”


  • education is area where you might not want to make things as easy as possible
    • You might use HCI to introduce some desirable difficulties, some learning experiences for students
  • cognitive load students experienced during a learning task is based on the material itself not based on trying to figure out our interfaces.
    • In WORST case, HCI for education is raise the students’s cognitive load because they’re too busy thinking about interfaces instead of the subject matter itself

-> 중요한 시사점을 주는 대목…!

lots of novel efforts in designing technology for education have failed due to poor HCI



  • For security to be useful it has to be usable
    • If it isn’t usable people just won’t use it
  • HCI can increase the usability of security
    • CAPTCHAs
    • password selection like a game
      • ranked against others for how difficult your password would be to guess
      • incentivise password selections…!


  • there’s a tight connection between the task and the interface
    • 즉, task 수행의 불편함을 통해 interface 문제를 빠르게 파악할 수 있다!






  • 위의 내용을 명심하고 내가 관심있는 Domain과 HCI를 연관시켜 나가며 공부할 것!