[DL4C] Ch6. Multi Categorical Classification

! [ -e /content ] && pip install -Uqq fastbook
import fastbook
from fastbook import *

Other Computer Vision Problems

Multi-Label Classification

The Data

from fastai.vision.all import *
path = untar_data(URLs.PASCAL_2007)
df = pd.read_csv(path/'train.csv')
fname labels is_valid
0 000005.jpg chair True
1 000007.jpg car True
2 000009.jpg horse person True
3 000012.jpg car False
4 000016.jpg bicycle True
fname labels is_valid
0 000005.jpg chair True
1 000007.jpg car True
2 000009.jpg horse person True
3 000012.jpg car False
4 000016.jpg bicycle True
0       000005.jpg
1       000007.jpg
2       000009.jpg
3       000012.jpg
4       000016.jpg
5006    009954.jpg
5007    009955.jpg
5008    009958.jpg
5009    009959.jpg
5010    009961.jpg
Name: fname, Length: 5011, dtype: object
# Trailing :s are always optional (in numpy, pytorch, pandas, etc.),
#   so this is equivalent:
fname       000005.jpg
labels           chair
is_valid          True
Name: 0, dtype: object
0       000005.jpg
1       000007.jpg
2       000009.jpg
3       000012.jpg
4       000016.jpg
5006    009954.jpg
5007    009955.jpg
5008    009958.jpg
5009    009959.jpg
5010    009961.jpg
Name: fname, Length: 5011, dtype: object
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2], 'b':[3,4]})
a b
0 1 3
1 2 4
tmp_df['c'] = tmp_df['a']+tmp_df['b']
a b c
0 1 3 4
1 2 4 6

End sidebar

Constructing a DataBlock

# data block created with no parameters
dblock = DataBlock()
# create Datasets objects from 'source' params
dsets = dblock.datasets(df)
(4009, 1002)
(fname       008663.jpg
 labels      car person
 is_valid         False
 Name: 4346, dtype: object,
 fname       008663.jpg
 labels      car person
 is_valid         False
 Name: 4346, dtype: object)
(fname          002613.jpg
 labels      bottle person
 is_valid             True
 Name: 1311, dtype: object,
 fname          002613.jpg
 labels      bottle person
 is_valid             True
 Name: 1311, dtype: object)
x,y = dsets.train[0]
(fname       008663.jpg
 labels      car person
 is_valid         False
 Name: 4346, dtype: object,
 fname       008663.jpg
 labels      car person
 is_valid         False
 Name: 4346, dtype: object)
# data block -> assume we have two things (input and target)
dblock = DataBlock(get_x = lambda r: r['fname'], get_y = lambda r: r['labels'])
dsets = dblock.datasets(df)
('009546.jpg', 'sofa person')
# identical to above approach
# BUT, use more verbose approach when exporting your Learner after training

def get_x(r): return r['fname']
def get_y(r): return r['labels']

dblock = DataBlock(get_x = get_x, get_y = get_y)
dsets = dblock.datasets(df)
('005620.jpg', 'aeroplane')
def get_x(r): return path/'train'/r['fname']
def get_y(r): return r['labels'].split(' ')

dblock = DataBlock(get_x = get_x, get_y = get_y)
dsets = dblock.datasets(df)
# MultiCategoryBlock -> One-Hot Encoding

dblock = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, MultiCategoryBlock),
                   get_x = get_x, get_y = get_y)
dsets = dblock.datasets(df)
dsets.train[0], type(dsets.train[0])
((PILImage mode=RGB size=500x325,
  TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.])),
Setting-up type transforms pipelines
Collecting items from            fname          labels  is_valid
0     000005.jpg           chair      True
1     000007.jpg             car      True
2     000009.jpg    horse person      True
3     000012.jpg             car     False
4     000016.jpg         bicycle      True
...          ...             ...       ...
5006  009954.jpg    horse person      True
5007  009955.jpg            boat      True
5008  009958.jpg  person bicycle      True
5009  009959.jpg             car     False
5010  009961.jpg             dog     False

[5011 rows x 3 columns]
Found 5011 items
2 datasets of sizes 4009,1002
Setting up Pipeline: get_x -> PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: get_y -> MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} -> OneHotEncode -- {'c': None}

Building one sample
  Pipeline: get_x -> PILBase.create
    starting from
      fname       002546.jpg
labels             dog
is_valid          True
Name: 1277, dtype: object
    applying get_x gives
    applying PILBase.create gives
      PILImage mode=RGB size=500x375
  Pipeline: get_y -> MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} -> OneHotEncode -- {'c': None}
    starting from
      fname       002546.jpg
labels             dog
is_valid          True
Name: 1277, dtype: object
    applying get_y gives
    applying MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} gives
    applying OneHotEncode -- {'c': None} gives
      TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

Final sample: (PILImage mode=RGB size=500x375, TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))

Collecting items from            fname          labels  is_valid
0     000005.jpg           chair      True
1     000007.jpg             car      True
2     000009.jpg    horse person      True
3     000012.jpg             car     False
4     000016.jpg         bicycle      True
...          ...             ...       ...
5006  009954.jpg    horse person      True
5007  009955.jpg            boat      True
5008  009958.jpg  person bicycle      True
5009  009959.jpg             car     False
5010  009961.jpg             dog     False

[5011 rows x 3 columns]
Found 5011 items
2 datasets of sizes 4009,1002
Setting up Pipeline: get_x -> PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: get_y -> MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} -> OneHotEncode -- {'c': None}
Setting up after_item: Pipeline: ToTensor
Setting up before_batch: Pipeline: 
Setting up after_batch: Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1}

Building one batch
Applying item_tfms to the first sample:
  Pipeline: ToTensor
    starting from
      (PILImage mode=RGB size=500x375, TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))
    applying ToTensor gives
      (TensorImage of size 3x375x500, TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))

Adding the next 3 samples

No before_batch transform to apply

Collating items in a batch
Error! It's not possible to collate your items in a batch
Could not collate the 0-th members of your tuples because got the following shapes
torch.Size([3, 375, 500]),torch.Size([3, 333, 500]),torch.Size([3, 363, 500]),torch.Size([3, 334, 500])


RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)

Cell In[19], line 1
----> 1 dblock.summary(df)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/data/block.py:237, in summary(self, source, bs, show_batch, **kwargs)
    235     why = _find_fail_collate(s)
    236     print("Make sure all parts of your samples are tensors of the same size" if why is None else why)
--> 237     raise e
    239 if len([f for f in dls.train.after_batch.fs if f.name != 'noop'])!=0:
    240     print("\nApplying batch_tfms to the batch built")

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/data/block.py:231, in summary(self, source, bs, show_batch, **kwargs)
    229 print("\nCollating items in a batch")
    230 try:
--> 231     b = dls.train.create_batch(s)
    232     b = retain_types(b, s[0] if is_listy(s) else s)
    233 except Exception as e:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/data/load.py:166, in DataLoader.create_batch(self, b)
    164 try: return (fa_collate,fa_convert)[self.prebatched](b)
    165 except Exception as e: 
--> 166     if not self.prebatched: collate_error(e,b)
    167     raise

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/data/load.py:164, in DataLoader.create_batch(self, b)
    163 def create_batch(self, b): 
--> 164     try: return (fa_collate,fa_convert)[self.prebatched](b)
    165     except Exception as e: 
    166         if not self.prebatched: collate_error(e,b)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/data/load.py:52, in fa_collate(t)
     49 "A replacement for PyTorch `default_collate` which maintains types and handles `Sequence`s"
     50 b = t[0]
     51 return (default_collate(t) if isinstance(b, _collate_types)
---> 52         else type(t[0])([fa_collate(s) for s in zip(*t)]) if isinstance(b, Sequence)
     53         else default_collate(t))

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/data/load.py:52, in <listcomp>(.0)
     49 "A replacement for PyTorch `default_collate` which maintains types and handles `Sequence`s"
     50 b = t[0]
     51 return (default_collate(t) if isinstance(b, _collate_types)
---> 52         else type(t[0])([fa_collate(s) for s in zip(*t)]) if isinstance(b, Sequence)
     53         else default_collate(t))

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/data/load.py:51, in fa_collate(t)
     49 "A replacement for PyTorch `default_collate` which maintains types and handles `Sequence`s"
     50 b = t[0]
---> 51 return (default_collate(t) if isinstance(b, _collate_types)
     52         else type(t[0])([fa_collate(s) for s in zip(*t)]) if isinstance(b, Sequence)
     53         else default_collate(t))

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/collate.py:264, in default_collate(batch)
    203 def default_collate(batch):
    204     r"""
    205         Function that takes in a batch of data and puts the elements within the batch
    206         into a tensor with an additional outer dimension - batch size. The exact output type can be
    262             >>> default_collate(batch)  # Handle `CustomType` automatically
    263     """
--> 264     return collate(batch, collate_fn_map=default_collate_fn_map)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/collate.py:123, in collate(batch, collate_fn_map)
    121     for collate_type in collate_fn_map:
    122         if isinstance(elem, collate_type):
--> 123             return collate_fn_map[collate_type](batch, collate_fn_map=collate_fn_map)
    125 if isinstance(elem, collections.abc.Mapping):
    126     try:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/collate.py:162, in collate_tensor_fn(batch, collate_fn_map)
    160     storage = elem._typed_storage()._new_shared(numel, device=elem.device)
    161     out = elem.new(storage).resize_(len(batch), *list(elem.size()))
--> 162 return torch.stack(batch, 0, out=out)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/torch_core.py:382, in TensorBase.__torch_function__(cls, func, types, args, kwargs)
    380 if cls.debug and func.__name__ not in ('__str__','__repr__'): print(func, types, args, kwargs)
    381 if _torch_handled(args, cls._opt, func): types = (torch.Tensor,)
--> 382 res = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, ifnone(kwargs, {}))
    383 dict_objs = _find_args(args) if args else _find_args(list(kwargs.values()))
    384 if issubclass(type(res),TensorBase) and dict_objs: res.set_meta(dict_objs[0],as_copy=True)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/_tensor.py:1295, in Tensor.__torch_function__(cls, func, types, args, kwargs)
   1292     return NotImplemented
   1294 with _C.DisableTorchFunctionSubclass():
-> 1295     ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
   1296     if func in get_default_nowrap_functions():
   1297         return ret

RuntimeError: Error when trying to collate the data into batches with fa_collate, at least two tensors in the batch are not the same size.

Mismatch found on axis 0 of the batch and is of type `TensorImage`:
	Item at index 0 has shape: torch.Size([3, 375, 500])
	Item at index 1 has shape: torch.Size([3, 333, 500])

Please include a transform in `after_item` that ensures all data of type TensorImage is the same size
idxs = torch.where(dsets.train[0][1]==1.); idxs
idxs = torch.where(dsets.train[0][1]==1.)[0] ; idxs
# dsets.train.vocab[idxs]
['aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor']
(#1) ['car']
def splitter(df):
    train = df.index[~df['is_valid']].tolist()
    valid = df.index[df['is_valid']].tolist()
    return train,valid

dblock = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, MultiCategoryBlock),

dsets = dblock.datasets(df)
(PILImage mode=RGB size=500x333,
 TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))
dblock = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, MultiCategoryBlock),
                   item_tfms = RandomResizedCrop(128, min_scale=0.35))

dls = dblock.dataloaders(df)
dls.show_batch(nrows=1, ncols=3)


Remember “summary” method

Setting-up type transforms pipelines
Collecting items from            fname          labels  is_valid
0     000005.jpg           chair      True
1     000007.jpg             car      True
2     000009.jpg    horse person      True
3     000012.jpg             car     False
4     000016.jpg         bicycle      True
...          ...             ...       ...
5006  009954.jpg    horse person      True
5007  009955.jpg            boat      True
5008  009958.jpg  person bicycle      True
5009  009959.jpg             car     False
5010  009961.jpg             dog     False

[5011 rows x 3 columns]
Found 5011 items
2 datasets of sizes 2501,2510
Setting up Pipeline: get_x -> PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: get_y -> MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} -> OneHotEncode -- {'c': None}

Building one sample
  Pipeline: get_x -> PILBase.create
    starting from
      fname       000012.jpg
labels             car
is_valid         False
Name: 3, dtype: object
    applying get_x gives
    applying PILBase.create gives
      PILImage mode=RGB size=500x333
  Pipeline: get_y -> MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} -> OneHotEncode -- {'c': None}
    starting from
      fname       000012.jpg
labels             car
is_valid         False
Name: 3, dtype: object
    applying get_y gives
    applying MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} gives
    applying OneHotEncode -- {'c': None} gives
      TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

Final sample: (PILImage mode=RGB size=500x333, TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))

Collecting items from            fname          labels  is_valid
0     000005.jpg           chair      True
1     000007.jpg             car      True
2     000009.jpg    horse person      True
3     000012.jpg             car     False
4     000016.jpg         bicycle      True
...          ...             ...       ...
5006  009954.jpg    horse person      True
5007  009955.jpg            boat      True
5008  009958.jpg  person bicycle      True
5009  009959.jpg             car     False
5010  009961.jpg             dog     False

[5011 rows x 3 columns]
Found 5011 items
2 datasets of sizes 2501,2510
Setting up Pipeline: get_x -> PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: get_y -> MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} -> OneHotEncode -- {'c': None}
Setting up after_item: Pipeline: RandomResizedCrop -- {'size': (128, 128), 'min_scale': 0.35, 'ratio': (0.75, 1.3333333333333333), 'resamples': (<Resampling.BILINEAR: 2>, <Resampling.NEAREST: 0>), 'val_xtra': 0.14, 'max_scale': 1.0, 'p': 1.0} -> ToTensor
Setting up before_batch: Pipeline: 
Setting up after_batch: Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1}

Building one batch
Applying item_tfms to the first sample:
  Pipeline: RandomResizedCrop -- {'size': (128, 128), 'min_scale': 0.35, 'ratio': (0.75, 1.3333333333333333), 'resamples': (<Resampling.BILINEAR: 2>, <Resampling.NEAREST: 0>), 'val_xtra': 0.14, 'max_scale': 1.0, 'p': 1.0} -> ToTensor
    starting from
      (PILImage mode=RGB size=500x333, TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))
    applying RandomResizedCrop -- {'size': (128, 128), 'min_scale': 0.35, 'ratio': (0.75, 1.3333333333333333), 'resamples': (<Resampling.BILINEAR: 2>, <Resampling.NEAREST: 0>), 'val_xtra': 0.14, 'max_scale': 1.0, 'p': 1.0} gives
      (PILImage mode=RGB size=128x128, TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))
    applying ToTensor gives
      (TensorImage of size 3x128x128, TensorMultiCategory([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))

Adding the next 3 samples

No before_batch transform to apply

Collating items in a batch

Applying batch_tfms to the batch built
  Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1}
    starting from
      (TensorImage of size 4x3x128x128, TensorMultiCategory of size 4x20)
    applying IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1} gives
      (TensorImage of size 4x3x128x128, TensorMultiCategory of size 4x20)

Binary Cross-Entropy

Learner contains 4 main things

  1. Model
  2. DataLoaders object
  3. Optimizer
  4. loss function
learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet18)
# resnet18 / dls / SGD / (    )
/Users/ridealist/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torchvision/models/_utils.py:208: UserWarning: The parameter 'pretrained' is deprecated since 0.13 and may be removed in the future, please use 'weights' instead.
/Users/ridealist/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torchvision/models/_utils.py:223: UserWarning: Arguments other than a weight enum or `None` for 'weights' are deprecated since 0.13 and may be removed in the future. The current behavior is equivalent to passing `weights=ResNet18_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1`. You can also use `weights=ResNet18_Weights.DEFAULT` to get the most up-to-date weights.
(TensorImage([[[[-0.6281, -0.7650, -1.0904,  ..., -0.9534, -0.9363, -0.9192],
                [ 0.1939,  0.1254, -0.0972,  ..., -0.9534, -0.9363, -0.9363],
                [ 0.8961,  1.3070,  1.2043,  ..., -0.9363, -0.9192, -0.9192],
                [ 0.2624, -0.0972, -1.6727,  ..., -0.8164, -0.8849, -1.2274],
                [ 0.3652, -1.0390, -1.6727,  ..., -0.6965, -0.7308, -0.8335],
                [ 0.4508, -0.6794, -1.7069,  ..., -0.7479, -0.7650, -0.7650]],
               [[ 0.0826,  0.0126, -0.1800,  ..., -0.0399, -0.0224, -0.0224],
                [ 0.5028,  0.4678,  0.3277,  ..., -0.0049, -0.0224, -0.0224],
                [ 1.0455,  1.4482,  1.3782,  ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
                [ 0.3627, -0.0049, -1.5280,  ..., -0.7752, -0.7927, -1.1253],
                [ 0.4328, -0.9328, -1.5455,  ..., -0.6702, -0.6702, -0.7227],
                [ 0.5378, -0.3725, -1.5455,  ..., -0.7402, -0.7402, -0.7052]],
               [[ 1.0539,  0.9668,  0.8274,  ...,  1.2108,  1.2282,  1.2282],
                [ 0.9494,  0.9319,  0.8622,  ...,  1.2282,  1.2282,  1.2282],
                [ 1.3154,  1.6640,  1.6291,  ...,  1.1934,  1.2108,  1.2282],
                [ 0.4439,  0.1476, -1.3164,  ..., -0.6367, -0.6367, -0.8807],
                [ 0.5485, -0.7936, -1.3164,  ..., -0.5147, -0.5147, -0.5670],
                [ 0.6531, -0.2881, -1.3164,  ..., -0.5670, -0.6018, -0.5495]]],
              [[[-1.0562, -1.0733, -0.9877,  ..., -1.9124, -1.8953, -1.7583],
                [-1.1418, -1.0219, -0.9705,  ..., -1.7925, -1.7925, -1.8268],
                [-1.2959, -1.0562, -0.9363,  ..., -1.8097, -1.7240, -1.7069],
                [ 0.3309,  0.3994,  0.4337,  ...,  0.7762,  0.7248,  0.6734],
                [ 0.3481,  0.4337,  0.4679,  ...,  0.7933,  0.7419,  0.7077],
                [ 0.3994,  0.5193,  0.4166,  ...,  0.7591,  0.7419,  0.7077]],
               [[-0.9328, -0.9678, -0.8803,  ..., -1.8957, -1.8782, -1.7381],
                [-1.0203, -0.9328, -0.8627,  ..., -1.7556, -1.7731, -1.8081],
                [-1.1954, -0.9678, -0.8452,  ..., -1.7906, -1.7381, -1.7381],
                [ 0.2402,  0.2402,  0.2577,  ...,  0.8179,  0.7304,  0.5903],
                [ 0.2402,  0.2927,  0.3277,  ...,  0.8704,  0.7829,  0.6604],
                [ 0.2577,  0.3803,  0.3627,  ...,  0.8704,  0.8004,  0.6954]],
               [[-0.7936, -0.8284, -0.7413,  ..., -1.6999, -1.6824, -1.5604],
                [-0.8807, -0.7761, -0.7413,  ..., -1.6127, -1.6127, -1.6476],
                [-1.0376, -0.8284, -0.6890,  ..., -1.6302, -1.5779, -1.5779],
                [ 0.3045,  0.2522,  0.2522,  ...,  0.9668,  0.8622,  0.7054],
                [ 0.3045,  0.3045,  0.3568,  ...,  1.0191,  0.9319,  0.7925],
                [ 0.3219,  0.4091,  0.4091,  ...,  1.0191,  0.9668,  0.8448]]],
              [[[-0.5596, -0.6281, -0.6452,  ..., -1.1247, -1.0904, -1.0733],
                [ 0.0227, -0.5424, -0.4911,  ..., -1.1589, -1.0048, -1.0219],
                [ 0.4851, -0.1999,  0.2624,  ..., -1.2103, -1.0562, -0.9534],
                [-2.0837, -2.0837, -2.0494,  ..., -1.7069, -1.8782, -1.9809],
                [-2.0837, -2.0837, -2.0494,  ..., -1.7583, -1.5870, -1.4843],
                [-2.0837, -2.0837, -2.0494,  ..., -2.0494, -2.0494, -1.8782]],
               [[-0.3025, -0.3725, -0.4076,  ..., -1.0028, -0.9328, -0.8978],
                [ 0.2227, -0.3725, -0.3025,  ..., -0.9678, -0.8102, -0.8277],
                [ 0.7654,  0.0301,  0.5203,  ..., -0.9853, -0.8627, -0.7577],
                [-2.0007, -2.0007, -1.9657,  ..., -1.6681, -1.8256, -1.9132],
                [-2.0007, -2.0007, -1.9657,  ..., -1.7031, -1.5105, -1.4055],
                [-2.0007, -2.0007, -1.9657,  ..., -1.9657, -1.9657, -1.7731]],
               [[ 0.0779, -0.0092, -0.0790,  ..., -0.2532, -0.1312, -0.0964],
                [ 0.6008,  0.0431,  0.0256,  ..., -0.1661, -0.0267, -0.0790],
                [ 1.1237,  0.4439,  0.9145,  ..., -0.2184, -0.0615,  0.0082],
                [-1.7696, -1.7696, -1.7347,  ..., -1.4559, -1.6127, -1.6999],
                [-1.7696, -1.7696, -1.7347,  ..., -1.4907, -1.2816, -1.1596],
                [-1.7696, -1.7696, -1.7347,  ..., -1.7347, -1.7347, -1.5430]]],
              [[[ 0.1083,  0.0912,  0.0056,  ...,  0.6734,  0.7419,  0.8447],
                [ 0.0227, -0.0287, -0.0801,  ...,  0.7248,  0.8447,  0.9132],
                [ 0.0569, -0.0287, -0.0629,  ...,  0.7762,  0.8961,  0.9646],
                [ 1.1358,  0.3652,  0.2111,  ..., -1.9467, -1.9809, -2.0152],
                [ 0.9303,  0.3481,  0.2111,  ..., -2.0152, -2.0152, -1.9980],
                [ 0.8276,  0.3481,  0.2111,  ..., -1.9124, -1.8953, -1.8610]],
               [[ 0.2402,  0.2227,  0.1352,  ...,  0.8179,  0.8880,  0.9930],
                [ 0.1527,  0.1001,  0.0476,  ...,  0.8704,  0.9930,  1.0630],
                [ 0.1877,  0.1001,  0.0651,  ...,  0.9230,  1.0455,  1.1155],
                [ 1.2906,  0.5028,  0.3452,  ..., -1.8606, -1.8957, -1.9307],
                [ 1.0805,  0.4853,  0.3452,  ..., -1.9307, -1.9307, -1.9132],
                [ 0.9755,  0.4853,  0.3452,  ..., -1.8256, -1.8081, -1.7731]],
               [[ 0.4614,  0.4439,  0.3568,  ...,  1.0365,  1.1062,  1.2108],
                [ 0.3742,  0.3219,  0.2696,  ...,  1.0888,  1.2108,  1.2805],
                [ 0.4091,  0.3219,  0.2871,  ...,  1.1411,  1.2631,  1.3328],
                [ 1.5071,  0.7228,  0.5659,  ..., -1.6302, -1.6650, -1.6999],
                [ 1.2980,  0.7054,  0.5659,  ..., -1.6999, -1.6999, -1.6824],
                [ 1.1934,  0.7054,  0.5659,  ..., -1.5953, -1.5779, -1.5430]]],
              [[[ 0.4337,  0.4508,  0.4508,  ..., -1.5528, -1.3473, -0.9020],
                [ 0.4508,  0.4679,  0.4679,  ..., -1.5528, -1.5528, -1.2445],
                [ 0.4508,  0.4508,  0.4337,  ..., -1.5699, -1.5357, -1.3473],
                [-1.7583, -1.7583, -1.7754,  ..., -0.0116, -0.0458, -0.1143],
                [-1.7240, -1.7754, -1.7754,  ..., -0.0458, -0.0801, -0.1314],
                [-1.6213, -1.7925, -1.7925,  ..., -0.2684, -0.3027, -0.3541]],
               [[ 0.5203,  0.5378,  0.5378,  ..., -1.5980, -1.4405, -1.1078],
                [ 0.5378,  0.5553,  0.5553,  ..., -1.5980, -1.5105, -1.2129],
                [ 0.5378,  0.5378,  0.5203,  ..., -1.5980, -1.5455, -1.3179],
                [-1.7556, -1.7206, -1.7206,  ..., -0.6176, -0.6352, -0.6527],
                [-1.8081, -1.7731, -1.7556,  ..., -0.3375, -0.3725, -0.4251],
                [-1.7906, -1.8431, -1.7906,  ..., -0.5126, -0.5126, -0.5476]],
               [[ 0.8622,  0.8797,  0.8797,  ..., -1.3164, -1.2293, -1.0201],
                [ 0.8797,  0.8971,  0.8971,  ..., -1.3164, -1.2467, -1.0027],
                [ 0.8797,  0.8797,  0.8622,  ..., -1.3164, -1.2816, -1.0898],
                [-1.5081, -1.4210, -1.4210,  ..., -0.9504, -0.9678, -1.0027],
                [-1.6302, -1.5256, -1.4907,  ..., -0.3230, -0.4101, -0.5147],
                [-1.7173, -1.6127, -1.5430,  ..., -0.3927, -0.4275, -0.4798]]],
              [[[-0.7479, -0.8678, -1.0048,  ...,  0.5022,  0.3309,  0.1939],
                [-0.7137, -0.8849, -1.0390,  ...,  0.5364,  0.4851,  0.3994],
                [-0.7137, -0.9020, -1.0048,  ...,  0.5193,  0.4679,  0.4851],
                [-0.9363, -1.0904, -1.1418,  ..., -0.1486, -0.0972, -0.1999],
                [-1.1760, -1.2274, -1.2445,  ..., -0.3369, -0.2342, -0.3541],
                [-1.3130, -1.2103, -1.1075,  ..., -0.4226, -0.3541, -0.3198]],
               [[-0.4251, -0.6527, -0.8277,  ...,  0.9055,  0.7304,  0.6254],
                [-0.3901, -0.6352, -0.8452,  ...,  0.9580,  0.9055,  0.8529],
                [-0.3725, -0.6527, -0.8102,  ...,  0.9580,  0.8880,  0.9755],
                [-0.6527, -0.7752, -0.7927,  ...,  0.2227,  0.2927,  0.1877],
                [-0.8978, -0.9328, -0.9678,  ..., -0.0224,  0.1527,  0.0301],
                [-0.9678, -0.8277, -0.7752,  ..., -0.1275,  0.0301,  0.0476]],
               [[ 0.1825, -0.0790, -0.2532,  ...,  1.6291,  1.4548,  1.3328],
                [ 0.2173, -0.0790, -0.2881,  ...,  1.6465,  1.5942,  1.5245],
                [ 0.2348, -0.0964, -0.2707,  ...,  1.6291,  1.5942,  1.6640],
                [-0.0267, -0.1661, -0.1661,  ...,  0.8099,  0.9494,  0.8099],
                [-0.2881, -0.3230, -0.3055,  ...,  0.6182,  0.7925,  0.6356],
                [-0.3230, -0.1835, -0.0790,  ...,  0.5485,  0.7228,  0.7751]]]], device='mps:0'),
 TensorMultiCategory([[0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
                      [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
                      [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 1.],
                      [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
                      [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
                      [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.]], device='mps:0'))
## the model in Learner is an object of a class inheriting from "nn.Module"
## can call model using parentheses -> return the activations of model 

x,y = to_cpu(dls.train.one_batch())
activs = learn.model(x)
# batch size of 64 / 20 categories
torch.Size([64, 20])
TensorImage([ 0.2109,  0.0866, -0.1316,  1.7263, -2.0373,  0.0544, -0.6262, -0.1172, -3.2036, -0.3143,  0.6041, -0.7967, -0.8520,  2.4630,  1.4149,  0.9663, -1.1261, -0.8106,  0.0800, -1.8106],
def binary_cross_entropy(inputs, targets):
    inputs = inputs.sigmoid()
    return -torch.where(targets==1, inputs, 1-inputs).log().mean()
activs.shape, y.shape
(torch.Size([64, 20]), torch.Size([64, 20]))
# x= x.as_subclass(torch.Tensor)
y = y.as_subclass(torch.Tensor)
loss_func = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
loss = loss_func(activs, y)
TensorImage(1.1001, grad_fn=<AliasBackward0>)

‘partial’ function

  • allows us to bind a “function” with some “arguments” or “keyword arguments”
  • making a new version of that function, always includes those arguments
def say_hello(name, say_what="Hello"): return f"{say_what} {name}."
say_hello('Jeremy'), say_hello('Jeremy', 'Ahoy!')
('Hello Jeremy.', 'Ahoy! Jeremy.')
f = partial(say_hello, say_what="Bonjour")
f("Jeremy"), f("Sylvain")
('Bonjour Jeremy.', 'Bonjour Sylvain.')

accuracy multi

def accuracy_multi(inp, targ, thresh=0.5, sigmoid=True):
    if sigmoid: inp = inp.sigmoid()
    ## only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars
    ## return (int(inp > thresh) == targ).float().mean()
    return ((inp > thresh) == targ.bool()).float().mean()
learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet50, metrics=partial(accuracy_multi, thresh=0.2))
learn.fine_tune(3, base_lr=3e-3, freeze_epochs=4)
/Users/ridealist/miniconda3/envs/fastbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torchvision/models/_utils.py:223: UserWarning: Arguments other than a weight enum or `None` for 'weights' are deprecated since 0.13 and may be removed in the future. The current behavior is equivalent to passing `weights=ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1`. You can also use `weights=ResNet50_Weights.DEFAULT` to get the most up-to-date weights.
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.942904 0.708307 0.238287 00:34
1 0.825156 0.561708 0.293626 00:33
2 0.605840 0.204976 0.819681 00:33
3 0.360526 0.126902 0.939223 00:34
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.132665 0.118781 0.942092 00:39
1 0.118319 0.107946 0.948327 00:38
2 0.099634 0.103022 0.952908 00:38
learn.metrics = partial(accuracy_multi, thresh=0.1)
# val_loss / accuracy -> thresh 따라 차이가 큼!
(#2) [0.10986798256635666,1.0]
learn.metrics = partial(accuracy_multi, thresh=0.99)
## we can find the best threshold by trying a few levels and seeing what works best
preds,targs = learn.get_preds()
# by default "get_pres" applies the output activation function for us (sigmoid, in this case)
# so we'll set not to apply it

accuracy_multi(preds, targs, thresh=0.9, sigmoid=False)
xs = torch.linspace(0.05,0.95,29)
accs = [accuracy_multi(preds, targs, thresh=i, sigmoid=False) for i in xs]


Theory vs. Practice

  • In this case, we’re using the validation set to pick a hyperparameter (the threshold), which is the purpose of the validation set.
  • Cocern about Overfitting is unneeded
    • because results in a smooth curve, we’re clearly not picking an inappropriate outlier


Assemble the Data

path = untar_data(URLs.BIWI_HEAD_POSE)
Path.BASE_PATH = path
(#50) [Path('01'),Path('01.obj'),Path('02'),Path('02.obj'),Path('03'),Path('03.obj'),Path('04'),Path('04.obj'),Path('05'),Path('05.obj')...]
(#1000) [Path('01/depth.cal'),Path('01/frame_00003_pose.txt'),Path('01/frame_00003_rgb.jpg'),Path('01/frame_00004_pose.txt'),Path('01/frame_00004_rgb.jpg'),Path('01/frame_00005_pose.txt'),Path('01/frame_00005_rgb.jpg'),Path('01/frame_00006_pose.txt'),Path('01/frame_00006_rgb.jpg'),Path('01/frame_00007_pose.txt')...]
# get all image files recursively with "get_image_files"
img_files = get_image_files(path)

def img2pose(x): return Path(f'{str(x)[:-7]}pose.txt')

(#15678) [Path('03/frame_00393_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00383_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00619_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00609_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00134_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00124_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00252_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00242_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00407_rgb.jpg'),Path('03/frame_00417_rgb.jpg')...]
im = PILImage.create(img_files[0])
(480, 640)


# extract the head center point : return the coordinates as a tensor of two items

# np.gengromtxt -> 텍스트 파일 열기, 컬럼별로 구분
cal = np.genfromtxt(path/'01'/'rgb.cal', skip_footer=6)

def get_ctr(f):
                        # 출력결과에서 앞 3개를 뺌
    ctr = np.genfromtxt(img2pose(f), skip_header=3)
    c1 = ctr[0] * cal[0][0]/ctr[2] + cal[0][2]
    c2 = ctr[1] * cal[1][1]/ctr[2] + cal[1][2]
    return tensor([c1,c2])
array([[517.679,   0.   , 320.   ],
       [  0.   , 517.679, 240.5  ],
       [  0.   ,   0.   ,   1.   ]])
tensor([387.1024, 261.9126])
img_files[0], img_files[0].parent, img_files[0].parent.name
(Path('03/frame_00393_rgb.jpg'), Path('03'), '03')
biwi = DataBlock(     #the lable represent "coordinate" -> same augmentation coordinate & image
    blocks=(ImageBlock, PointBlock),
    # create splitter function that returns True for just one person.
    # resulting in a validation set containing just that person's images
    splitter=FuncSplitter(lambda o: o.parent.name=='13'),
    # batch_tfms=[*aug_transforms(size=(240,320)), Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)]
Setting-up type transforms pipelines
Collecting items from /Users/ridealist/.fastai/data/biwi_head_pose
Found 15678 items
2 datasets of sizes 15193,485
Setting up Pipeline: PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: get_ctr -> TensorPoint.create

Building one sample
  Pipeline: PILBase.create
    starting from
    applying PILBase.create gives
      PILImage mode=RGB size=640x480
  Pipeline: get_ctr -> TensorPoint.create
    starting from
    applying get_ctr gives
      tensor([387.1024, 261.9126])
    applying TensorPoint.create gives
      TensorPoint of size 1x2

Final sample: (PILImage mode=RGB size=640x480, TensorPoint([[387.1024, 261.9126]]))

Collecting items from /Users/ridealist/.fastai/data/biwi_head_pose
Found 15678 items
2 datasets of sizes 15193,485
Setting up Pipeline: PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: get_ctr -> TensorPoint.create
Setting up after_item: Pipeline: PointScaler -> ToTensor
Setting up before_batch: Pipeline: 
Setting up after_batch: Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1}

Building one batch
Applying item_tfms to the first sample:
  Pipeline: PointScaler -> ToTensor
    starting from
      (PILImage mode=RGB size=640x480, TensorPoint of size 1x2)
    applying PointScaler gives
      (PILImage mode=RGB size=640x480, TensorPoint of size 1x2)
    applying ToTensor gives
      (TensorImage of size 3x480x640, TensorPoint of size 1x2)

Adding the next 3 samples

No before_batch transform to apply

Collating items in a batch

Applying batch_tfms to the batch built
  Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1}
    starting from
      (TensorImage of size 4x3x480x640, TensorPoint of size 4x1x2)
    applying IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1} gives
      (TensorImage of size 4x3x480x640, TensorPoint of size 4x1x2)
dls = biwi.dataloaders(path)
dls.show_batch(max_n=9, figsize=(8,6))


# Make sure that WHY these are the shapes for mini-batches

xb, yb = dls.one_batch()
xb.shape, yb.shape
(torch.Size([64, 3, 480, 640]), torch.Size([64, 1, 2]))
TensorPoint([[0.2792, 0.0445]], device='mps:0')

Training a Model

## (coordinates in fastai and PyTorch are always rescaled between –1 and +1)

learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet18, y_range=(-1,1))
# This is set as the final layer of the model
# it forces the model to output activations in the range (lo, hi)

def sigmoid_range(x, lo, hi): return torch.sigmoid(x) * (hi-lo) + lo
# Basic sigmoid

plot_function(partial(sigmoid_range,lo=0,hi=1), min=-4, max=4)


plot_function(partial(sigmoid_range,lo=-1,hi=1), min=-4, max=4)


plot_function(partial(sigmoid_range,lo=-2,hi=5), min=-4, max=4)


# see what loss function choosed by fastai as the default

FlattenedLoss of MSELoss()
# pick a good learning rate wit "learning rate finder"

lr = 1e-2
learn.fine_tune(3, lr)
## take a look at our results
# left : the actual coordinates / right : model's predictions

learn.show_results(ds_idx=1, nrows=3, figsize=(6,8))



  1. How could multi-label classification improve the usability of the bear classifier?
  2. How do we encode the dependent variable in a multi-label classification problem?
  3. How do you access the rows and columns of a DataFrame as if it was a matrix?
  4. How do you get a column by name from a DataFrame?
  5. What is the difference between a Dataset and DataLoader?
  6. What does a Datasets object normally contain?
  7. What does a DataLoaders object normally contain?
  8. What does lambda do in Python?
  9. What are the methods to customize how the independent and dependent variables are created with the data block API?
  10. Why is softmax not an appropriate output activation function when using a one hot encoded target?
  11. Why is nll_loss not an appropriate loss function when using a one-hot-encoded target?
  12. What is the difference between nn.BCELoss and nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss?
  13. Why can’t we use regular accuracy in a multi-label problem?
  14. When is it okay to tune a hyperparameter on the validation set?
  15. How is y_range implemented in fastai? (See if you can implement it yourself and test it without peeking!)
  16. What is a regression problem? What loss function should you use for such a problem?
  17. What do you need to do to make sure the fastai library applies the same data augmentation to your input images and your target point coordinates?

Further Research

  1. Read a tutorial about Pandas DataFrames and experiment with a few methods that look interesting to you. See the book’s website for recommended tutorials.
  2. Retrain the bear classifier using multi-label classification. See if you can make it work effectively with images that don’t contain any bears, including showing that information in the web application. Try an image with two different kinds of bears. Check whether the accuracy on the single-label dataset is impacted using multi-label classification.